It is a condition in which thyroid gland produce excess hormones i.e T3, T4 in contrary
to the amount required by our body. Common symptoms that patients.
Intolerance to heat
Nervousness or irritability
Moist skin or excessive sweating
Palpitation or increase heart rate
Loose stools
Menstrual abnormality
Muscle ache or weakness
Hyperthyroidism can be due to various causes like Graves` disease (in which body
immunity act against thyroid cells and leads to over activation of thyroid cells),
Overfunctioning nodule in thyroid (Autonomus hyperfunctional solitary or multiple
thyroid nodule) or due to thyroiditis ( Due to spillage of thyroid hormone from inflamed
or swollen thyroid. Serum T3, T4 & TSH testing can confirm the diagnosis. Neck
ultrasound or thyroid scan may be added to the primary tests to confirm the underlying
etiology. It is important to see a specialist if any abnormality is detected as delay in
diagnosis can have catastrophic affect on various body organs. Treatment of
hyperthyroidism depends upon the underlying cause ranging from drugs, radio-iodine
(in which iodine is given to destroy to the hyperfunctional gland) or surgical removal of
gland. Definitive therapy has to be individualized for each patient.