Breast is a milk producing gland in body and discharge from nipple is normal in
lactational period. Nipple discharge in non lactational period is one of the most
common breast related problems for which women seek medical attention.
It can be due to various reasons:
Duct Papilloma/ Breast Cancer
Duct Ectasia: dilatation of ducts
Hormonal imbalance: Prolactinoma etc
Drugs: Hormonal replacement , sedatives etc
Watering or redness in eyes
Blurring of vision/ Double vision etc
Skin involvement
If you are suffering from nipple discharge few points need to be noted:
If discharge is from both side or one side
Amount of discharge: scanty or profuse
Nature of discharge: Milky/serous/bloody
Mode of discharge : Spontaneous or on pressure
Watering or redness in eyes
Blurring of vision/ Double vision etc
Skin involvement
Usually if discharge is from both breast it is less likely to be due to cancerous
growth. Consult a breast surgeon in your vicinity, he will do breast evaluation along with
cytology from nipple discharge and imaging of breast to rule out underlying breast
cancer. Discharge related to hormonal problems can be treated with medication
whereas unilateral discharge sometimes needs removal of duct for biopsy purpose.